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Antony Gormley

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Antony Gormley

Another Time 1999-2013

Another Time is a series of one hundred solid cast-iron figures, destined by the artist to be dispersed around the world. For Folkestone Triennial 2017, Gormley loaned three from the series, two sited in Folkestone and one, in a collaboration with Turner Contemporary, in Margate in front of the Gallery. Thanks to extension of the loan, the figure in the half tide loading platform on Folkestone’s Harbour Arm, remains on view.

The artist intends the sculptures in this series to “bear witness to what it is like to be alive and alone in space and time” and to “celebrate the still and silent nature of sculpture. The work is designed to be placed within the flow of lived time.” The movement of the tides is a primordial figures here stand within the ebb and flow of the tide, and at times are partly inundated.

Antony Gormley is widely acclaimed for his artworks that investigate the relationship of the human body to space, developing the potential in sculpture since the 1960s through critical engagement with his own and other’s bodies. His work confronts fundamental questions of where human beings stand in relation to nature and the cosmos. Gormley continually tries to identify the space of art as a place of becoming in which new behaviours, thoughts and feelings can arise.

Find more of Antony Gormley's work.


Antony Gormley, Another Time XVIII, 2013. Photo by Thierry Bal

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