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Ebun Culwin

Portrait of Oskar Kokoschka
Detailed portrait of Oskar Kokoschka drawn in pencil on paper. This pencil study Portrait of Oskar Kokoschka (1886 –1980) the Austrian artist, poet and playwright successfully portrays Ebun Culwin's pencil style.
Ebun Culwin Portrait John Blanke
Painting of John Blanke across two canvas. John Blanke is the earliest identifiable person of Black African descent to be portrayed in sixteenth-century British art. In this painting Ebun Culwin used Folkestone musician Randolph Mathews to be him in this representation. Seated at a table, before a computer.
Ebun Culwin Project: Ceremony in the Air
Landscape painting in pastel tones of Folkestone cliffs. Part of a series of paintings of different sizes some as large as 6ft x 4ft all link together as one continual circled seascape - and is part of a virtual installation project which will include 38 artists from around the world.

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Ebun Culwin is a multi-disciplinary artist and singer-songwriter, with techniques ranging from slow and meticulous pencil drawings to large seascapes in oil and poetry. 

Ebun Culwin's artistic practice transfers spiritual beliefs to form, light, colour, and visual language for broader understanding. Her subjects are the sea, Buddhist concepts, and portraiture. Painting in oils, drawing intricately in pencil, as well as exploring other processes including silk screen.

Watch Seven Bells by Ebun Culwin
. Where she discusses how "Seven Bells" represents a Buddhist view of Human Revolution and Transfromation past, present, and future to the year 5000.

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