HOP Projects Space, 73 Tontine Street
2 Sep - 30 Sep, Tue - Sat: 10am - 6pm
Opening Reception: 8 Sep: 6 - 9pm
Andrew Holmes’s approach to the sea has more in common with Turner’s Shipwreck or Winslow Homer’s The Gulf Stream - an attitude dominated by fear. This is not nature as religion. His own experience as a child of being five hours in an open 20 foot fishing boat in a force 10 gale off the coast of Wales, and then being shipwrecked in The Minch off Scotland in a similar boat, bears strongly on his view of the sea. In his thousands of photographs of the sea in contrast to others his vision of water does not offer the relief to the eye of the sky, of wind, or indeed of much light. All is dark, and forbidding almost Gothic.