Beyond Text Innovative Poetry Festival Workshop 2: Where is the meaning?
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Plant inspired asemic writing.
Did you know that you can write visual poems devoid of traditional meaning in language? Did you know that you can create the meaning yourself? Did you know that you can write without words or even letters?
Together, inspired by structures that we can find in plants, we will create signs (written marks that have a standard meaning) that you will use to make your first asemic visual poem (one without semantic meaning).
The workshop forms part of the “Beyond Text” Innovative Poetry Festival.
Download the full programme and view the festival website here (suitable for desktop and tablets).
Our COVID-19 policy
We want to make sure that everyone is safe. We would please encourage you to do a lateral flow test before attending and do not come if you show any COVID symptoms. We would also encourage you to wear a mask to keep others safe. We are thankful for your understanding!