Kim Plowright: Life Class for Hopeful Monsters
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A series of Zoom life drawing classes that help us think about new, hopeful ways of being in our bodies.
It's easy to dismiss life drawing as full of boring old-fashioned male gaze objectification. Yet drawing another person is often a profound, connected experience, even when mediated by a video call.
What happens when we use drawing together as a way of thinking about what it means to be embodied, and to look at bodies in a new and connected way? What drawings can we make, and stories can we tell, about unruly bodies or hopeful monsters that point to a kinder way of relating to our bodies, to ourselves and to others?
Join artist Kim Plowright and some special guest models for four online life drawing workshops, where we'll explore simple drawing techniques and think about stories that might transform the way we feel about our bodies. Beginners are welcome, and wonkiness is embraced.
Share your drawings and notes in a private online space to be part of a digital zine distributed free to all participants. A limited-run print version made in collaboration with Goose Studio will be available to buy during the festival weekend.
Note:We'll be working with life models, so please be aware there will be nudity, and that we'll be taking good care of everyone's privacy - no screenshots or surreptitious recording, please. You'll need access to Zoom, paper and something to draw with - a pencil and old envelopes is fine, but you'll have more fun with bigger sheets or expressive media like charcoal. Get in touch if you have any questions or if materials will be a problem for you
Kim Plowright is an artist, educator and maker of digital stuff. Her art practice uses drawing as a starting point for exploring connections between images, people and ideas. She enjoys telling stories that smuggle feelings into unexpected contexts.
She studied fine art at the only UK art school to still teach human anatomy, but got distracted and accidentally had a twenty-year career doing internet stuff. She currently teaches both life and portrait drawing, and observational drawing remains a core element of her creative practice.
She tries to pretend she doesn’t have a body, with very limited success.
Mildy Diverting Website